
A CLI wrapper for ffmpeg to stream files over SRT/RTMP. Also supports the api for a not (yet) open sourced pyffserver endpoint.


To install pyffstream download a binary from Github releases, or run this command in your terminal:

$ pip install pyffstream

CLI Usage


CLI frontend for streaming over SRT and RTMP.

usage: pyffstream [-h] [--config FILE] [--show-config-dirs] [-v]
                  [--logfile FILE] [-b BITRATE] [-M BITRATE] [-A BITRATE]
                  [--aencoder {aac,libfdk_aac,libopus}] [-o] [-p] [-i]
                  [-t TIMESTAMP] [-I OPT] [--pyffserver | --no-pyffserver]
                  [-y] [--srt-passphrase PASSWORD] [--srt-latency SEC]
                  [--protocol {rtmp,srt}] [-U URL] [-k KEY]
                  [-E DOMAIN[:PORT][PATH]] [-w] [-B]
                  [--hwaccel | --no-hwaccel] [-e] [--subfile FILE] [-s N]
                  [--suboffset TIMESTAMP] [-a N] [--vindex N] [--live]
                  [--fix-start-time | --no-fix-start-time]
                  [--soxr | --no-soxr] [--fifo | --no-fifo]
                  [--zscale | --no-zscale] [--fdk] [-f FILE] [-T LENGTH] [-D]
                  [--copy-audio] [--copy-video] [-c COPY] [-H] [-8]
                  [--h264-nvenc] [-x] [--preset PRESET] [--tune TUNE]
                  [--realtime | --no-realtime] [--pass N] [--passfile FILE]
                  [--vgop | --no-vgop]
                  [--vencoder {h264_nvenc,hevc_nvenc,libaom-av1,librav1e,libsvtav1,libvpx-vp9,libx264,libx265}]
                  [-u] [--slowseek] [-d]
                  [--framerate-multiplier FRAMERATE_MULTIPLIER] [-C]
                  [--croptime TIMESTAMP]
                  [--cleanborders LEFT RIGHT TOP BOTTOM]
                  [--croplength DURATION] [-V | --vulkan | --no-vulkan]
                  [--trust-vulkan | --no-trust-vulkan] [--vulkan-device NUM]
                  [--sw-filters FILTER] [-P OPT] [--vencoder-params PARAM]
                  [-z] [--subfirst | --no-subfirst] [--picsubscale ALGORITHM]
                  [--nodecimate | --paldecimate | --sixtyfps]
                  [--audio | --no-audio] [-n] [-N FILE | -Q]
                  [--height HEIGHT | -4 | -2 | -7] [-K SEC] [--mono]
                  [--startdelay] [--endpad | --no-endpad] [--tempdir DIR]
                  [--shaders PATH_TO_SHADER]
                  [--system-ffmpeg | --downloaded-ffmpeg] [--redownload]
                  [--dltype {git,stable}] [--write]
                  [FILES ...]

optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--config <file>

Path to config file


Print out config search locations

-v, --verbose

increase verbosity level

--logfile <file>

path to logfile to send output to

-p, --playlist

make ffconcat playlist from input files

-i, --print-info

print information about input file(s) instead of streaming

-t <timestamp>, --timestamp <timestamp>

timestamp to start stream from

-I <opt>, --preinput-opts <opt>

pass option ffmpeg before input (specify once/item)

-w, --wait

wait for keypress before starting stream

--fix-start-time, --no-fix-start-time

Fix start_time of streams (default: True)

-c <copy>, --copy <copy>

pass a/v to copy audio/video


use slow ffmpeg seeking


delay stream start by 30 seconds

--endpad, --no-endpad

Pad end of stream with nothing to prevent early stream cutoff. (default: True)

--tempdir <dir>

directory to use for storing temporary files

--shaders <path_to_shader>

shader to use with vulkan (specify once for each shader to add) (default: [])


use system ffmpeg binaries instead of configured (default is system if unconfigured)


Use downloaded local Windows ffmpeg instead of configured or system ffmpeg (default is to only use as a fallback)


Redownload stored local Windows ffmpeg binaries

--dltype {git,stable}

Type of Windows ffmpeg binary to download (default: git)


write chosen arguments as defaults to config if not already default

input arguments


list of input files and directories; if last argument is file already contained in input list, start list from that file

-o, --obs

get input from OBS pipe

-B, --bluray

input directory is bluray

--hwaccel, --no-hwaccel

Attempt to automatically use hw accelerated decoding if available (default: True)


hint that input is live

-D, --deep-probe

pass extra args to probe input file deeper


don’t decimate 30 fps obs input to 24 fps


decimate 30 fps obs input to 25 fps


don’t halve 60 fps obs input to 30 fps

video arguments

-b <bitrate>, --vbitrate <bitrate>

encoding video bitrate (ffmpeg num) (default: 6M)

-M <bitrate>, --max-vbitrate <bitrate>

max encoding video bitrate (ffmpeg num) (default: vbitrate)

--vindex <n>

subindex of video stream to use (default: 0)

--zscale, --no-zscale

Use zimg library for scaling instead of ffmpeg’s scale (default: False)


copy video stream from input

-H, --hevc-nvenc

encode with NVENC HEVC

-8, --eightbit

encode with 8-bit HEVC (default 10-bit)


encode with NVENC H264

-x, --x264

encode with x264

--preset <preset>

preset to use for encoding

--tune <tune>

tune parameter to use for supported encoders

--realtime, --no-realtime

tune for realtime encoding on encoders that support it (default: False)

--pass {1,2,3}

encoder pass

--passfile <file>

multipass statistics file to use

--vgop, --no-vgop

use variable GOP length and treat keyframe target as max (default: False)

--vencoder {h264_nvenc,hevc_nvenc,libaom-av1,librav1e,libsvtav1,libvpx-vp9,libx264,libx265}

video encoder to use (default: libx264)

-u, --upscale

unconditionally scale video to target size

-d, --deinterlace

deinterlace video

--framerate-multiplier <framerate_multiplier>

fraction to multiply framerate by (e.g. because a filter modifies it)

-C, --crop

automatically crop video

--croptime <timestamp>

timestamp to start crop calculation at (default: 600)

--cleanborders <left> <right> <top> <bottom>

Clean up N pixels of border after crop

--croplength <duration>

duration to estimate crop for (default: 60)

-V, --vulkan, --no-vulkan

use vulkan processing path (default: False)

--trust-vulkan, --no-trust-vulkan

whether to trust ffmpeg vulkan to do the right thing or use workarounds (default: False)

--vulkan-device <num>

GPU device listing to use for vulkan HW context

--sw-filters <filter>

pass software ffmpeg filter to filter chain start (specify once/filter)

-P <opt>, --placebo-opts <opt>

pass option to vf_libplacebo when using vulkan (specify once/opt)

--vencoder-params <param>

pass option to params argument of encoders (specify once/param)

--height <height>

target 16:9 bounding box encode height (default: 1080)

-4, --res2160

set 4k encoding resolution

-2, --res1440

set 1440p encoding resolution

-7, --res720

set 720p encoding resolution

audio arguments

-A <bitrate>, --abitrate <bitrate>

encoding audio bitrate (ffmpeg num) (default: 256k)

--aencoder {aac,libfdk_aac,libopus}

audio encoder to use (default: aac)

-a <n>, --aindex <n>

subindex of audio stream to use (default: 0)

--soxr, --no-soxr

Use SoX resampler library instead of ffmpeg’s avresample (default: False)


Use libfdk_aac encoder


copy audio stream from input

--audio, --no-audio

attempt to include audio in output (default: True) (default: True)

-n, --anormalize

normalize audio (implied by -N and -Q)

-N <file>, --normfile <file>

path to file to store audio normalization data

-Q, --dynamicnorm

do one-pass audio normalization


output audio in mono

subtitle arguments

-e, --subs

enable subtitles

--subfile <file>

path to external subtitles

-s <n>, --sindex <n>

subindex of subtitle stream to use

--suboffset <timestamp>

timestamp to offset subtitle timing by

-z, --cropsecond

crop after subtitles are rendered

--subfirst, --no-subfirst

render subtitles and crop video before scaling (default: False)

--picsubscale <algorithm>

algorithm to use for scaling picture subtitles (default: bicubic)

output arguments

--pyffserver, --no-pyffserver

use pyffserver as an API to send to (default: False)

-y, --overwrite

overwrite output file if it already exists

--srt-passphrase <password>

optional passphrase to use for SRT when not streaming to a pyffserver

--srt-latency <sec>

SRT latency (default: 5.0)

--protocol {rtmp,srt}

streaming protocol to use (default: srt)

-U <url>, --api-url <url>

pyffserver API URL to use (default: from config)

-k <key>, --api-key <key>

pyffserver API key to use (default: from config)

-E <domain[:port][path]>, --endpoint <domain[:port][path]>

endpoint to stream to without protocol (default: from config))

--fifo, --no-fifo

Use FIFO to try to sustain and stabilize the connection. (default: False)

-f <file>, --outfile <file>

path to an output file to use instead of streaming

-T <length>, --cliplength <length>

clip stream to this length

-K <sec>, --keyframe-target-sec <sec>

target keyframe interval in seconds (default: 5.0)